A Sandpaper Love

Jesus Wept with Lilies

Study for
Jesus Wept with Lilies
The three lilies represent our responses to the Lord.  We rise to Him in worship as the lower lily does, bow to Him because He is holy as the highest lily does, and express joy as the lily facing the viewer symbolizes. The sun is represented by the striped square in the upper right corner, and the prayers of Christ are represented by the swirls of gold, inscriptions, and color in the background.

Christ and the Holy Spirit are interceding to the Father for each of us as we live our lives. Take encouragement, and comfort in that, even when life feels out of control and cruel. We are loved by God who looks at our experiences with the end result in mind. 

He desires that we desire Him. He desire our love, and worship. Ultimately we are to be conformed to His son's image, and to love others as He loves us. While His love is sometimes like sandpaper, rough, straight forward and blunt His purpose is to sand off our rough edges, removing our character flaws. It is a painful process but so very worth it!
